Friday, April 30, 2010

Google Places

Google Places

We know about how to place our Business in Google places. Ok for beginners or Unknown people we want to share our information about Google Places, for that you can visit here you can get the basic information about how to add your local business in Google Places.

Won’t Do this in Google Places:

1. Won’t Place same address more than 1 time for your URL with different titles
E.g.: I am holding a dental website ( Doctor is familiar with both Cosmetic dentist and Child Dentist. Here I am using 2 titles one as Cosmetic Dentist and Providing URL, Address and second as Child Dentist here also if I provide the same URL, Address. Google will block my account.

2. Won’t Provide Wrong Information
When I register with Google Place, I want to provide with Original Information, if I am providing fake information like unknown address, phone number .Google will verify it and block my account.

For more information about Google Places :

How do I retrieve my account?

Mistakes makes more powerful. Ok I did this mistake, right now I want my Google place account to be back in normal for that there is a term known as re-inclusion.
By applying my Google account id ( to this URL, My account will be re-active.